Paul Gough’s The Physical Therapy
Hiring Solution
“How to Recruit, Hire and Train World-Class People You Can Trust”

“How to Recruit, Hire and Train World-Class People You Can Trust”
Despite years of being told to “hire for personality” or choosing people “with experience”, hiring still remains the #1 source of frustration for business owners.
Hiring someone with a great personality is fine – but it doesn’t come in handy when there’s no money in the bank.
And, just because someone has twenty-two years experience in a role similar to yours it does not automatically mean that they’ll perform well for you - or that they’re willing to learn how.
This book offers a NEW approach to hiring that puts outcomes, values and skills ahead of personality and experience.
Dismissing the traditional, yet proven to be ineffective methods for recruiting and hiring staff, Paul Gough presents a NEW system for finding, hiring and training world-class people you can trust to grow your physical therapy clinic.
As well as discovering Paul Gough’s “Outcome Based Hiring” System for ending your clinic’s hiring frustration, you’ll also discover the hiring principles behind some of the most successful hiring decisions of the world’s top PT Clinic owners.
Here’s just some of what you will learn in this book:
The no.1 secret of hiring staff you can trust (Chapter 1)
Exactly what to ask in an interview situation to make sure they’re a great culture fit (Chapter 10)
How to select a front desk person that adds revenue to your clinic (Chapter 7)
Who to hire first – a PT or front desk? The answer is found in Chapter 4…
How to write a job ad to attract perfect candidates – it’s a lot like marketing to perfect patients, only easier… (Chapter 8)
Where to post your job ad – this goes way beyond Craigslist and Indeed, and you’ll discover 11 different places to get in front of perfect candidates (Chapter 9)
How to decide when to hire (…and how to “de-risk” the decision meaning you cannot get it wrong) (Chapter 4)
How to make the final decision on choosing the best candidate (Chapter 10)
Case Study: See the exact Facebook hiring ad we used for a clinic in Las Vegas - to recruit a candidate from Los Angeles (Chapter 10)
How to decide what to pay/compensate your new hire so that you are both left happy… (Chapter 5)
How to ethically steal your competitor’s best physical therapist… (Chapter 9)
How to fire - free from guilt and legal repercussion (Chapter 11)
A fool proof system for onboarding new staff members (Chapter 11)
How to save time and automate the entire hiring process (Chapter 12)
And so much more contained within the 13 Chapters of this amazing hiring book….
Whether you are new or fledgling clinic owner looking to make your very first hire, or, you’re an experienced clinic owner “battle scarred” from your previous hiring nightmares and you are now looking to finally “crack the code” on recruitment, this book is perfect for you.
What is more, if you are planning on hiring any time soon, NOW is the time to read this book!
As well as getting your copy of the Book, if you ORDER THROUGH THIS PAGE, TODAY, you’re also getting to choose from one of these incredible free bonuses to say thank you.
Look below and choose which one works for you:
As you’ll discover in the book, hiring is so problematic for many clinic owners simply because they do not know what they’re looking for.
In the book I reveal the “Outcomes Based Hiring System” that I’ve spent over 10 years developing for the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, and how I use it to fill my team with people I can trust to deliver the outcomes I need every time. With this instant access bonus PDF, you’ll get the exact job ad templates and success descriptions, as well as my best performing Job ads I’ve run successfully at my own clinic – and for my clients.
Use every one of these hiring resources and follow the 6-steps I cover in detail inside this book – and you’ll be equipped to hire a team of world-class people you can trust, as soon as you order below…
Choose this option, and AS WELL as the “Hiring Resource Kit” PDF, I’ll also give you instant access to my “WEALTH MARKETING” DVD program.
This is a 9 module program (Value $1997) that covers everything from how to fill up workshops, how to do new patient testimonials, getting leads from community events, converting cash pay patients - and how I use social media at my clinic (…plus so much more).
And, if you are not already a member of my new Marketing Academy, you’ll get a free 60 day “test drive” for just $11...
That test drive includes access to my online Facebook community, as well as two months of the 32 page monthly Planet Paul Publication and coaching CD, plus support from my coaching team to help you grow your business.
PAUL GOUGH is a two time No.1 bestselling author of The New Patient Accelerator Method, The Physical Therapy Hiring Solution, and The Healthy Habit. He is also a former professional soccer physical therapist turned successful clinic owner from the UK (a country where healthcare is free). He is the founder of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – a successful cash pay clinic he started from a spare room in his home with no money down and with no business or marketing skills. He has since scaled his clinic from one to four locations, and zero to $1m in cash pay revenue and he now helps clinic owners all across America and around the world to get more cash pay patients using his proven systems.